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9514 Navarre Pkwy, Navarre Fl 32566


Charlene and Brian T

If you want positive growth for your kids, send them to Precision Martial Arts of Navarre. Our daughter, Kaitlyn, enrolled at this school when she was 12 y/o. In a short amount of time, the doors to a lifelong commitment of self-discipline and character building truly transformed my daughter from an awkward little girl to a confident young lady. Through calorie-burning training in Hapkido, Krav Maga, and Filipino Kali fighting system, Precision Martial Arts of Navarre provides an adaptive and real-life training method. Discipline, consistency, and respect are imperative traits for defensive and offensive skills training. The best part about martial arts is that training carries on even away from the training mats. Improved school grades, friendships and camaraderie, as well as a goal-oriented mindset are the changes that my husband and I witnessed from our daughter since her martial arts training debut.  Overall, the choice for signing her up for self-defense/ martial arts class has been one of the best decisions we have ever made for our only daughter. Thank you, Precision Martial Arts of Navarre.

TJ Cobos

My kids have been attending classes at Precision for over 5 years now. Not sure how I went this long without leaving a review, but here we are! If you’re looking for a good way to get your child/ren excited about fitness/physical activity while also learning discipline and accountability, Precision is a great place to start! You will have to sign a contract if you intend to participate more than a few times, but it’s not like anyone is forcing you to sign. The owner and staff are reasonable and do their best to ensure a safe and enjoyable environment for everyone!

Brandi B.

We have been members of PMA for 2 years now. Mr. Todd and Mrs. Kim are always so sweet and welcoming. My girls had never been involved in any martial arts type activities before and that was never a problem. PMA has such a family atmosphere, and they are so supportive of all of their members. We love PMA and I am so grateful my girls have such a positive experience they will be able to look back on. Thank you.

Michelle H.

Our family has had 3 children in the programs at PMA over a cumulative 9  years. Our oldest son started when he was 10. He had tried soccer and T ball and flag football, but hadn’t found his niche. Team sports were discouraging because of his small stature. He flourished in Hapkido, where he learned how to use his size as an advantage and his competition was against himself. He worked to make himself better than he was the week before and in the process learned discipline and respect for himself and others.  We are forever grateful to PMA and Mr. Todd for not just teaching our son cool martial arts skills but, more importantly, growing his character.

Jessica S.

I have 4 girls(4yo-12yo) who have been going and learning how to defend themselves for a couple years now. I have been doing their Krav classes for close to a year and my mother has joined me! Today’s world is scarier than when I grew up. Knowing that my kids, my mom, and myself have the knowledge and capability to defend ourselves if needed, gives me some peace of mind! My girls have grown stronger, more flexible, and more confident in who they are and what they do. PMA teaches them to be more observant of their surroundings, methods to de-escalate a situation, how to survive an attack, and so much more. I strongly believe that Self defense is an important skill, regardless of age. We all love our PMA family!

Amanda Koning

My twin daughters have been attending PMA for a year now. When they started at age 4 I had no idea what they could even learn that young! Mr Todd and his helpers made each and every day so much fun while incorporating colors, numbers, balance and coordination.

When my girls turned 5 they moved up a class and began to work more on self defense form. Again I thought, what are they going to learn at just 5 years old? And again, Mr Todd surprised me! Not only have they learned martial arts forms, self defense forms, ground work, kicking/blocking/punching but what you don’t see happening is them gaining self confidence, coordination and balance. One of my girls is in PT for poor coordination and muscle strength so days at PMA is like another therapy session for her. In fact, many times her therapist will ask what warm ups she’s doing in martial arts so that she can work on them during PT as well!

I can continue to ramble on all day about PMA, the wonderful staff and about how these real world skills are absolutely worth the money but nothing sealed the deal more for me than this story…
My daughter is autistic and with that does not like new situations or people. A few months after starting the 5 year old class PMA offered a picture day. My daughter who was comfortable with PMA and the staff would easily walk in on any given day. This day, picture day, we walked in without a concern in the world but when she saw the green screen, cameras, equipment and strangers she froze. She was nearly in tears when their turn came for pictures and I didn’t think she was going to participate. Instead of her needing to sit out and just photograph 1 child, Mr. Todd scooped my anxious daughter up, walked out on the mat and gave her that comfortable familiarity she needed in that moment. I went from not thinking we’d get any pictures to getting multiple ones with her smiling! I don’t think it was even a passing thought for Mr Todd but this mama will always remember that moment. PMA has some of the kindest, knowledgeable and patient staff compared to other local martial arts academies we’ve been to. Highly recommend!

Derrick S. Hatcher

As parents we often worry about our children daily, especially in the times we live in. We worry about their safety constantly while in schools, on their way to and from bus stops, and while out playing with friends. I am no different; and I wanted to find a way for my daughter to have a fighting chance in the event any unforeseen situation would arise. But just how do you go about preparing your children for such events besides talking to them and teaching them what to do and what NOT to do if approached by someone they do not know. Even with the best laid plans, terrible things can still happen. So, I researched several self-defense Martial Arts Studios in the local area and came across Precision Martial Arts (PMA), in Navarre, FL. I have a couple of friends who take their kids there and personally know one of the instructors, so I decided to give it a chance. Let me be honest with you, as my daughter is one to try many things and has been known to give up within a few weeks. We started her off first with the two-week trial, and she was very timid at first because she is a bigger kid, but she was immediately drawn to the instruction of Chief Instructor and owner Todd Martinson. He has a unique way with the students that not only makes the kids want to learn more, all the while keeping them constantly engaged, but also makes learning martial arts fun for them. As a parent this was very relaxing for me, because not only do I feel comfortable with his instruction with my daughter, but she wanted to learn more which was very shocking to me. After our two-week trial she insisted that she wanted to enroll as a student for a year contract and continue on with her training with the hopes of one day becoming a black belt herself. Instructor Todd teaches the students numerous self-defense techniques that can become vital in the protection of your child against those would be attackers and several different scenarios that could happen. Not only has my daughter become more disciplined, self-motivated, and courteous as some of the core values that Todd teaches in his black belt school. My daughters self-esteem has grown tremendously which is something I never took into consideration, or even thought about would occur from attending theses classes; and it has also transitioned with her becoming more attentive in school. Her motivation and will to become better has also blossomed and encouraged me to join the adult Krav Maga class which is taught at PMA by Instructors Todd Martinson and Wayne Tillman. They also offer a two-week trial period, but I knew immediately this is something that I wanted to do, not only for myself, but for my daughter as well. For years Wayne Tillman has tried to get me to join PMA and take the Krav Maga class, but I was very hesitant, but watching my daughter become successful in her martial arts journey, in addition to spilling over into her classroom work. I knew this is where I needed to be!! Coming to PMA has also created a bond for my daughter and I that will never be broken, as we spar against each another at home and teach one another the new moves that we learn from our own respective classes. I cannot be happier with our choice in selecting Precision Martial Arts as a place where we can not only go and learn self-defense techniques, but a place where you can go, feel comfortable and learn real-world situational awareness protection methods. At PMA they make you feel like family from the time you first enter the door, and this is where we will continue our journey as a family!

 Amanda Justice

My daughter, Tala, has been a student at Precision Martial Arts for 3 years. She has learned so much from Mr. Todd. She has learned Hapkido, Kali, and Krav Maga. She’s learned how to protect herself, how to respect herself, and how to push herself and never give up. She’s learned the importance of hard work and dedication.
Tala is hard of hearing, but at Precision Martial Arts she’s just like everyone else. She has never been treated any differently than her classmates. Precision Martial Arts has also helped her with her balance because of her ears.
She’s grown so much in only 3 years. She volunteers and helps teach the Little Dragon class. She’s learned to lead with patience, kindness and empathy by seeing how Mr. Todd teaches her.
She previously attended a different Martial arts program, that just wasn’t a good fit. The first school relied entirely on students to teach the class, while the owner stayed in his office. Precision Martial Arts is so much better, Mr. Todd is on the mats the whole time, every time, making sure our kids get a quality education. The other school promoted children based entirely upon how many push-ups they could do, while Precision promotes Martial Arts knowledge and training. Miles ahead and making the switch was the best thing we did for her. She went from hating going to class to loving it and even volunteering!
As she moves into the teen classes in a couple month’s I can’t wait to see how far she will go! This girl absolutely loves being at Precision Martial Arts of Navarre!


Kristin C.

I had always wanted to take a martial art, so after watching a documentary on Krav Maga, I was hooked. Soon afterwards, I discovered Precision Martial Arts. I didn’t start taking Krav Maga until age 43 when I signed up for classes at Precision. At Precision Martial Arts, you develop a lifetime bond with the other members. The instructors have always been patient, and it is obvious that they personally care about helping their members to avoid becoming someone else’s victim.